Anarchy Rating
All reviews are scored out of a total of five 's. A score of three is given to something that is a typical example of its style with nothing too outstanding or bad about it.
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No, not that one, the proper one.
This is a limited vinyl pressing (300, each numbered) of their first new studio tracks in 25 years, originally released on MCD in 2009. The band have put this out to raise money for Bradford’s legendary ‘1 in 12 Club‘, who are facing large bills for essential safety work on their building.
Which means the first thing you’ll get […]
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I’ve been using whatever remnants of knowledge and wisdom I have in my head to help a young punk put this benefit compilation together. And I’m very excited by how it’s turning out.
There are some great acts involved, covering the whole gamut of punk, ska, folk and other related noise, and they’ve all given their time and tracks for free. Things like this just reinforce why punk will always be a central […]
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In recent days, punks in Aceh, Indonesia, who were attending a benefit gig to raise money for orphans, were arrested en masse, humiliated, and put into 10-day religious fundamentalist ‘re-education’ programmes. Their crime? Being punks.
The Aceh state government implements a form of sharia law. Having a weird haircut, wearing black clothes, and hanging out with people of the opposite sex, apparently breaks that law. Never mind the fact that these kids, who generally don’t have much of their own to start with, were raising cash for those with even […]
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Following on from yesterday’s little exercise in improving police-community relations, I’ve branched out into literature. This flyer can be downloaded in a convenient 4-to-an-A4-sheet format ready for printing, then cut up and surreptitiously inserted into all manner of inflammatory material. These seditious publications can be found in your local library, bookshop or children’s school.
Remember, in the wrong hands, words can be deadly to the current social order, and have even been known to cause uncontrollable urges […]
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In the last couple of days, Brit cops have issued a news bulletin asking people to snitch on any ‘anarchists’ they know. Quite what they define as an anarchist beyond their cut ‘n’ paste job from Wikipedia is anyone’s guess. Local librarians who let you borrow anarchist books? Retailers (I’m looking at you, Amazon!) who will sell you anarchist books? Performances of plays by that dangerous anarchist queer Oscar […]
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I’ve been asked to give a shout out to a benefit gig organised to raise some much-needed cash for Save The Children Japan. There are some cracking acts on the line-up running the whole gamut of punk rock, from ranting poetry to pounding crust. So make a date in your diary and get along if you can.
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The ever-indefatigable Mike Park of long-running and staunchly […]
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Under the slogan ‘If They Won’t Chase Them, We Will’, UK Uncut has called a day of action this Saturday to target Vodaphone and Philip Green (owner of British Home Stores, TopShop etc.). Just between these two, they have cheated the nation out of billions of pounds through blatant tax evasion and cronyism.
UK Uncut want to hammer home the point that
At the same time as making massive cuts to public services, this government is letting rich individuals and corporations avoid billions of pounds of tax. Join UK Uncut’s […]
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It’s simple. The ongoing and proposed cuts in public services, including education, are nothing but class war. The Tories want everything in private hands, so that they and their capitalist string-pullers can bleed as much as they possibly can from us. The LibDems are happy to collaborate with their dirty work, such is their desperation for a sniff of power. And if they […]
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