Anarchy Rating
All reviews are scored out of a total of five 's. A score of three is given to something that is a typical example of its style with nothing too outstanding or bad about it.
Loads of these little chap(esse)s are bouncing all around the garden right now, despite the spawn taking a fair amount of punishment during the cold snap in early spring. Frogs like to eat slugs, which is great news for any gardener (but not so good for the slug).

I spent a very pleasant few hours in the company of around 100 other folk and three cracking bands a few weeks ago. As well as the ageless Subhumans, support came from local loudmouthed ska-punkers Spanner and the superbly shouty Grand Collapse (my first chance to see ’em in action – very impressed by their tight, face-melting anarcho-hardcore sound). Here are a few pics (none of Spanner, but you’ll find around a gazillion on their own site). Click to make ’em bigger.
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For the first time in nearly 30 years, one of the most intense bands from the first wave of @-punk took to the stage and blew 400 minds. The Mob are back. And this time round, they’ve got the kit to really do their sound justice. Mark even smiled! Sure, there were a couple of hiccups, and the guitar wasn’t always 100% in tune with itself or anything else […]
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Here’s the second part of the interview done by Deefekt (Kismet HC) with Bobs from AM. If you missed the first part, you can read it here.
The Interview Part 2
Dee: Right, let’s take it back a bit and delve into the beginnings of your exposure into this seedy world of Punk Rock, what was the band that brought it to you, when did you know that this was going to be a life-changing experience?
Bobs: Our older brother, who is six years older than me, got into punk […]
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Here are a handful of shots from crusty hardcore punks Born/Dead’s last ever gig on UK soil. It was a belter of a night and a great way for the band to go out. I’d almost forgotten that I had these but better late than never eh? I’m crap at editing and sharing pics (that’s providing I’ve remembered to take my camera along in the first place). I’ll try and do better from now on.
Venue: The White Hart, Whitehall, Bristol, UK Date: Saturday 22nd August 2009 Band […]
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I’ve recently been chatting with Mr Dee Fekt, drummer for the ageless Kismet HC and Death Zone pop combos. KHC went on a mini-tour a few weeks ago with Active Minds, old punks in their own right, and visited some of our nearby European neighbours. Seeing as they were sharing stage space and personal hygiene problems, I asked Dee if he would grab a few words from Bobs and/or Set about whatever took their fancy. He kindly obliged so here’s the first half, with questions based on conversations in the […]
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