Anarchy Rating
All reviews are scored out of a total of five 's. A score of three is given to something that is a typical example of its style with nothing too outstanding or bad about it.
After taking a little (ahem) time out to get on with other things, I’m back with a fresh attitude.
First things first, I’ll no longer be uploading complete rips of my music collection and all of the old download posts have been deleted. There are various reasons, but it mostly comes down to time and commitment. Sorry about that.
On the other hand, I plan on making this blog more like a proper zine. I’ll continue […]
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Happy May Day / Beltane comrades!
© Hugh D'Andrede – click for large version
You can view more of Hugh’s work on his Flickr page.
All that remains for me to say is cheers ‘n’ beers for the last twelve months and

Although I don’t think I’ve spent so much on new music this year when compared to last, what I have bought has been immensely satisfying. These ten releases have ended up doing multiple revolutions on various stereophonic devices around my house, and have definitely earned their keep.
Amebix – Sonic Mass LP (Easy Action Records). An album that was more than two decades in the making, and one that surpassed every expectation. There were some who didn’t ‘get’ this release, but I wasn’t one of them. Awesome on every level.
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On a certain forum that I hang around on, someone asked folks to write about their three most memorable gigs. Seeing as I’ve still got a memory, I put it to good use. And, being the generous soul I am, I’m reposting what I remembered here for me, you and generations to come.
Wow, tough. But I’ll give it a go.
Top of the list has to be Conflict at the Brixton Academy in April 1987. A van-load of us travelled up to London after a day spent hunt sabbing, […]
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Now here’s something I didn’t expect – Captain Sensible has just tweeted about this collection of random nonsense and given us the highest praise:
This is what the webs all about…. DIY punk, vegan recipes, politics, and even a Pogo Pope Compilation
Blimey! I met the Captain back in the mid ’80s, when he took part in an anti-vivisection demo I’d helped to organise in Southampton. He was a genuinely nice bloke, totally up for supporting what we were doing. And his connection with the CRASS punks is pretty […]
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Oli of Civilisation Records is putting out a repress of Hellbastard’s classic first studio LP ‘Heading For Internal Darkness‘. Having bought stuff from him before I know and appreciate the time and effort he puts in to producing some really tasty bits of vinyl, and this looks to be no different.
Artwork printing and plastic pressing are in their final stages, but Oli’s still taking pre-orders (1000 are being pressed, 150 on clear vinyl). It’s €11 plus a few euros for postage depending on location and a bit more if […]
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Fellow punk Alex Distro-y has started a blog dedicated to listing all of the latest releases from the punk world, as well as other relevant news, events and so on. I don’t know exactly what Alex’s definition of punk for this particular site is but, from what I know of him, I’m guessing he’s on a similar wavelength to me (anarcho/radical covering all styles but maybe with a soft spot for d-beat judging from the title).
So go and check out D-Beat Beater and keep your ear close to the […]
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For the first time in many, many years, I’ve been left speechless. A few minutes ago, settling down with my first cuppa and fag of the day, I browsed to my email account for the site. There was one new message waiting. A quick click, a brief scan and my mouth dropped open. I still can’t shut it.
A ‘corporate’ group is offering to buy my web domain name. For $5000.
I can’t say who they are just yet, but it’s a familiar ‘brand’ in the mainstream ‘punk’ business. […]
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I’m really pleased to announce that my request for new recruits has borne fruit, and a right plump n’ juicy piece he is too! So, without further ado, say hello to Ernest Embryo.
A few words about myself…
Well I’m another old punk though not quite as old as The Old Punk, born in ’68. Basically I’m a music lover, not just punk but something from pretty much every genre you could think of. I play bass, drums or guitar and I’ve also written tunes on my computer so I […]
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(f) – forum
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