On a certain forum that I hang around on, someone asked folks to write about their three most memorable gigs. Seeing as I’ve still got a memory, I put it to good use. And, being the generous soul I am, I’m reposting what I remembered here for me, you and generations to come.
Wow, tough. But I’ll give it a go.
Top of the list has to be Conflict at the Brixton Academy in April 1987. A van-load of us travelled up to London after a day spent hunt sabbing, parked up and went for a couple of pints. We headed off, joined the queue, chatted to various friends, and soon found ourselves inside. We spent a decent amount of time chatting to more mates and looking over stalls, where I picked up a copy of The Apostles’ ‘Mob Violence’ EP (still got it, still regularly played) and a map of places to target if (hah!) it kicked off afterwards. We headed into the hall, and I was blown away by the scale of the whole thing. I’d never experienced an indoor gig on this magnitude! It was called the Gathering Of The 5000 for a good reason (or at least not far off). I mingled for a bit, caught up with more people, then the gig started.
First up, Thatcher On Acid, a brilliant start. Upbeat, dancey punk rock was just what was needed to get the evening going. Then it was poetry time with Benjamin Zephaniah, delivering blistering rhymes and sharp humour taking aim at the monarchy, the politicians, the cops, mixed in with uplifting verses about what a vegan eats. He certainly knew how to fire up a crowd!
Finally, after a full-on 20 minute build-up of videos and audio clips (like an extended version of the beginning of ‘The Ungovernable Force’ with added riot film!), Conflict hit the stage. The place went mental! It was the band at their absolute best, and the presence of Steve Ignorant on the stage simply added to the immensity of it all. I’ve never been so exhausted and exhilarated, physically and mentally, before or since.
Like most Conflict gigs, it ended pretty chaotically. Punks were getting on stage and diving off of ridiculously high speaker stacks, brawls were breaking out in the crowd and the venue sent security on stage, complete with Rottweilers. Outside, lines of riots cops, many with dogs, were waiting. We left the venue sharp and, because we’d dressed fairly straight (like many others), made it through the cops with no problems. It didn’t take long for the rowdier elements to make it out on the street and start giving it to the cops, who were only too pleased to reciprocate. What they hadn’t realised is that loads of us who’d got through had hung around. The cops were pretty surprised when they suddenly got hit from the back too. And I think they’d misjudged just how combative us punks had become as they were battered fairly heavily once a decent crowd had gathered.
Before long a mini-riot had spread to Brixton high street, made worse by the cops’ stupid decision to close the Tube station. While a few punks got a bit of a kicking off of the cops, they didn’t have it completely their own way and a few were hospitalised with broken bones. Quite a few corporate targets were hit too, while local shops were left well alone.
Eventually we made our way back to the van and home, everyone buzzing and wearing shit-eating grins. Best day ever.
Second up would have to be Crass in Reading, May 1982. I’d seen ’em a couple of times elsewhere before then, but this was my favourite because of the support – Annie Anxiety, The System, DIRT and Flux Of Pink Indians. I’d hitched to the venue with a mate and, although it was only 50 miles, it took us about 9 hours to hitch it. A lorry driver who had seen us walking out of town that morning picked us up late in the afternoon on his way back after we’d walked bloody miles! Luckily, he was going right past the venue so we made it in plenty of time.
As expected, it was a great night, even the weird Annie Anxiety bit (especially the weird Annie Anxiety bit, just for the reactions she caused among some so-called open-minded people), and all the bands were in top form. I got to jump and sing along to just about all of my favourite @-punk tunes of the day. Also, as expected, trouble broke out when around 40 nazi boneheads stormed in, started fighting anyone in sight and tried to rush the stage. They were still expecting the majority of the crowd to be pacifists. But things had changed and the punks stood their ground, aided by quite a few lefty Oi! skins who, like many, had @-punk mates. The boneheads got battered out of the building, and a couple who’d made it to the stage were soon seen off by Igs and Gary Dirt with a couple of well-aimed boots to the face. We got back to enjoying the rest of the gig, spent the night sleeping on Reading train station with a few others (back in the days when waiting rooms were left open and had heat), then bunked the first train back home.
My third choice is Crucifix in my home town, Southampton, in March 1984. I helped arrange this gig. It was supposed to be with MDC, but they’d been refused entry to the country. DIRT headlined and local band Polemic were also on the bill. I’d seen Crucifix a couple of months before in Brighton, along with Antisect (it’s the gig that ended up on the ‘Live In The Darkness‘ / ‘Hallo There’ How’s Life?’ LPs), and was massively impressed by ’em. They didn’t disappoint at this one either and, although there were only around a hundred people there, they gave it their all.
Crucifix were staying at my mum’s house afterwards, what we hadn’t planned for were the seven other guests who were staying too! We spent a couple of hours chatting away, sharing stories with people from all over the world (the guests included an Australian and a Kiwi, a Dutch couple and a lass from South America), before crashing out. Fortunately, my mum’s a star and was completely unfazed by waking up and finding 11 punks sleeping on every available bit of floor in the house. She made beans on toast and tea for everyone, and even offered to make sandwiches for the journey to Brighton for another gig at The Richmond. DIRT turned up in the rusty transit (hence Drunks In Rusty Transits) to collect everyone and I jumped in with ’em, off for another night of punk shenanigans. And that’s another story…
I love punk rock, it’s given (and continues to give) me some of my greatest times. It’s also allowed me to find some of the finest people on this planet. May it always be so.
(I’m thinking maybe I should do a bit more of this before the grey matter finally fails to keep up with my punk rock life. We’ll see.)
Great read. Thanks for sharing these stories.
Great read! Wouldn’t like to pick a top 3…Conflict & Icons Of Filth in 84 at Lark Lane in Liverpool is up there though…any of the Lark Lane gigs…Flux, Crass, Poison Girls etc…still gutted I missed Crucifix though…the nearest they played to us was in Bolton…which I thought was a lot further away than it actually was! Young,naive,lack of transport etc!
Nice choices, that Crucifix show/night/weekend sounds brilliant
Unfortunately my memory is pretty hazy but I do remember one of my favourite gigs was seeing Conflict, Subhumans & Exit Stance at the Moonlight in London (no idea what year… maybe 82). That was a cracking night and once again a Conflict gig ended in chaos, this time with Eat Shit getting up on stage and playing their set
[Actually it might’ve been the Icons Of Filth instead of Exit Stance but that line up seems to good to be true]. Seeing Discharge at the 100 club while they were still good was another memorable night, if only because of the massive bruising on my shins from the dodgy low stage as everyone piled forward. Those two definitely stand out in my memory as being two of my favourite live shows ever 
Still gutted that I didn’t hear about that CRUCIFIX gig until about a week after the fact – was a bit isolated out in Eastleigh at that time & didn’t meet punk friends in Southampton until the end of 1984 I guess.
My 3 would be THE STRANGLERS at Southampton Gaumont in July 1980 because it was my first gig. I was only 14 & queued up to get tickets the day they went on sale. Got home clutching the tickets & the same night it was on the news that THE STRANGLERS had been arrested for causing a riot in Nice! A day earlier & my Mum probably wouldn’t have allowed me to go! The night of the gig me & my equally young mates were in awe of all the older punks with CRASS, (pre pop-star) ANTS & THE PACK etc painted on their jackets. Our seats were right at the front & we were totally not expecting the rush when the lights went down & got knocked around a bit but the gig was great!
2nd would be FLUX OF PINK INDIANS/OMEGA TRIBE/POLEMIC/TEARS OF DESTRUCTION at the (now demolished) Crystal Rooms in Fratton in May 1983. This was the first D.I.Y. gig I went & after only having been to ‘big’ gigs at the Gaumont & Southampton Uni (DEAD KENNEDYS/MDC December 1982 was another classic!) I was amazed to see members of FLUX walking around the hall with us! FLUX were amazing & played all those great songs off the recently released ‘Strive To Survive…’.
Finally AVAIL at The Joiners, Southampton May 1995. We (S.T.E) put this on, it was AVAIL’s 1st gig outside North America & even though I’d liked AVAIL’s records nothing prepared me for how incredible they were. The packed Joiners just went off within seconds of them starting & back at ours afterwards the band told me they were initially concerned because if that many people danced at gigs back home it could get violent but when they saw the smiling stage divers/pigpilers were from both sexes they relaxed & years later would still talk about that gig!
I was at all of those Rich, and I have to agree they were all top-notch!
I should’ve given the DKs / MDC an honourable mention too. MDC fuckin’ rocked it and just got more insane and intense when people who didn’t get it started lobbing stuff at ’em. I remember me and Rut slamming around while so many people got more and more hostile, funny as fuck. That, and when Jello did his ‘walk off the stage and ON to the crowd’ thing, he fell forwards into my face and gave me a nosebleed
Oh, and Trapper (PTTB bassist) being defrocked and still just getting on with it, exposed knackers and all. Full-frontal nudity in front of impressionable teens is always to be admired.